23-25 August 2023
University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
1 Kálvária sgt., Szeged, Hungary, 6722
You can get various discounts at the following hotels by entering the promo code EMOK2023. Book your accommodation by using the email address on the hotel website or by filling in the form on the hotel webpage using the promo code.
- Hungest Hotel Forrás
- 15% discount
- Tisza Hotel
- 15% discount
- Szent János hotel
- 15% discount
The discount is only valid for bookings made via - Mozart hotel
- 15% discount
- Novotel hotel
- 10% discount
The discount is only valid for bookings made via paid in advance - Dóm hotel
- 10% discount
- Through the booking system, the coupon code EMOK2023 will automatically deduct a 10% discount (Technical note: after entering the code, the system will first show the full price and then apply the discount on the next page after pressing the booking button)
- You can also claim the discount over the phone with the promo code.