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The name of the association is: Association for Marketing Education and Research

Headquarters: 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.


The association strives to increase the awareness and recognition of the marketing profession, to develop marketing education and research, and to strengthen its practical effectiveness.

The association is an independent legal entity with a registered membership that was established voluntarily by its members for the continuous realisation of the objectives of the association as defined in its statutes. The association is a non-governmental organisation.

Objectives of the association

  • Dissemination of the marketing approach in order to raise the profile and recognition of the marketing profession, to develop marketing education and research, to strengthen its practical effectiveness in businesses and institutions, and to improve the perception of marketing in the general public.
  • Professional support for educational activities at domestic higher and secondary educational institutions and training enterprises, organisation of programmes and professional cooperation to make training more practice-oriented.
  • Publishing professional and scientific publications.
  • Organisation of professional events, conferences and exhibitions.
  • Cultivating the traditions of domestic marketing education and research.
  • Supporting professional cooperation, further training and integration of marketing students into the workplace.
  • Promoting the employment of disadvantaged groups in the labour market and initiating marketing actions to achieve this objective.
  • Establishing professional links with national and international marketing organisations with similar professional objectives and tasks.
  • Emphasising the importance of consumer protection and the concept of responsible marketing and disseminating it in marketing education and research, in business and institutional sectors, and among the general public.

Activities of the association

  • The association may be a member of another association, joint venture or fund, which promotes the fulfilment of the above objectives, or may carry out economic activities directly related to the objectives of the association without jeopardising them.
  • The association may use its assets in accordance with its purpose; it may not distribute its assets among its members and may not distribute profits to its members. The profits shall be used for the activities set out in the statutes.
  • It may impose obligations on its members that are in accordance with the law and with the rules and resolutions adopted by the general assembly.
  • The association shall participate in national and local tenders for that fall under the purview of the association's objectives as set out in Article 3, which shall help to achieve the association's undertakings.

Officers of the association


Members of the Supervisory Board

  • Dr. Hetesi Erzsébet
    Dr. Erzsébet Hetesi

    University of Szeged

  • Dr. Neulinger Ágnes
    Dr. Ágnes Neulinger

    Associate Professor
    Corvinus University of Budapest

  • Dr. Simon Judit
    Dr. Simon Judit

    Corvinus University of Budapest

  • Dr. Törőcsik Mária
    Dr. Mária Törőcsik

    University of Pécs


Association for Marketing Education and Research
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.

Tax number: 18652279-2-43
Bank account number:
Magnet Bank 16200223-10038989