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The Centre of Excellence for Visitor Economy of the Budapest Business University is organizing its first international scientific conference with the title People, Places and Partnerships.

The main intention of our community is to create a regular platform for an inspiring, inclusive and innovative exchange of ideas. The organizers greatly look forward to receiving scientific presentations and manuscripts in the field of tourism, hospitality and related disciplines. They invite university lecturers, researchers, doctoral and master’s students to participate.

The public defense of Gábor Bódis's doctoral dissertation entitled "The role of design in future-proof tourism destinations - Positioning and narrating a micro-Danube region" will take place on March 20, 2024 at the Doctoral School of Business and Management of the Corvinus University of Budapest. The supervisors of the dissertation are Gábor Michalkó and Ariel Mitev.

The public defense of Noor Ahmad Mahmood Al-Khudierat's doctoral dissertation entitled "The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Loyalty Comparative Study: Jordanian and Hungarian telecommunications Firms" will take place on March 6, 2024 at the István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School of the Hungarian University of Sopron. The supervisor of the dissertation is Attila Fábián.

Dear Colleagues,

On February 2, 2024, we held our research and educational methodology workshop, during which we were able to attend interesting and useful presentations. One of the closing presentations raised questions regarding the use of artificial intelligence in the process of thesis writing.

The message of the presentation was not primarily about complete prohibition, but rather about exploring possible benefits. The presentation aimed to highlight that there are elements and tasks of thesis writing to which supervisors would find the use of AI ethical – so why don't we assist


The public defense of Md Nekmahmud's doctoral dissertation entitled "Consumers' Pro-environmental and Sustainable Consumption Behavior in Climate Change Mitigation" will take place on January 30, 2024 at the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Mária Farkasné Fekete.

On November 23, 2023, the 2022 Publication Awards of the Committee on Business Administration of Section IX of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), were presented at the MTA's building on Nádor Street. The acknowledgments were handed over by Prof. Dr. Gyula Bakacsi (Chair of the Department of Economics) and Prof. Dr. Zoltán Veres (Chair of the Publication Awards Working Committee).

The public defense of Mohannad Mohammad Jadee' AlOudat's doctoral dissertation entitled "NUTRITIONAL GASTRONOMY IN FOCUS: READY-TO-EAT MEALS, NUTRITIONAL VALUE AND CONSUMER ATTITUDES" will take place on December 4, 2023 at the Doctoral School of Food Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gödöllő. The supervisors of the dissertation are Andrea Lugasi and Livia Simonné Sarkadi.

The Economic and Legal Sciences Committee of the IX. Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) awarded the Cursus Vitae Aureus (Gold Lifetime Achievement) distinction to Dr. Erzsébet Hetesi, professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged, and Dr. Mária Törőcsik, professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Pécs. The ceremonial presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Awards took place on November 23, 2023, in Budapest, at the Nádor Street building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

In addition to annually recognizing outstanding marketing and digital solutions, the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) also awards its most significant recognition, the Tonk Emil Lifetime Achievement Award, to honor successful professional careers. The recipient for 2023, Dr. Mária Törőcsik, was presented with the award by Ferenc Hinora, the President of MMSZ, and Dr. Árpád Papp-Váry, Vice President, during the Marketing Summit held on September 14 at the Várkert Bazár.

The Association of Market Researchers in Hungary awards recognition to outstanding personalities in the market research profession. In 2023, Judit Simon, Professor Emerita of the Institute of Marketing and Communication Sciences, received the association's lifetime achievement award for her exceptionally high-quality educational, domestic and international scientific activities in the field of marketing research, as well as her contributions to scientific mentoring and outstanding professional public life.


Association for Marketing Education and Research
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