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The public defense of Adeolu Dairo's doctoral dissertation entitled "Revenue Optimization Through Digital Marketing and Analytics: A Fuzzy Approach for Consumer Firms with Large Customer Base" will take place on October 12, 2021 at the Doctoral School of Business Administration of the University of Pécs. The supervisor of the dissertation is Krisztián Szűcs.

The public defense of Seyyed Amir Vafaei's doctoral dissertation entitled "THE ROLE OF SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY ON CONSUMER PURCHASE INTENTION FOR FASHION PRODUCTS" will take place on September 2, 2021 at the Doctoral School of Economics and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Mária Farkasné Fekete.

The public defense of Taha Mohammed Khan Yadgar's doctoral dissertation entitled "THE MODERATING EFFECTS OF TRUST AND ATTITUDE ON E-BANKING ACCEPTANCE IN THE KURDISTAN REGION OF IRAQ: UNIVERSITY OF SULAIMANI CATCHMENT AREA" will take place on August 18, 2021 at the Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Gábor Kürthy.

The public defense of Mousa Musaab's doctoral dissertation entitled "THE ROLE OF MARKETING ON FIRM VALUE: EVIDENCE FROM ARAB EMERGING MARKETS" will take place on June 1, 2021 at the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Zoltán Zéman and Judit Sági.

The public defense of Shivam Sakshi's doctoral dissertation entitled "Exploring Consumer Decision Making Styles in Online Apparel Consumption Among Indian Generation Y E-Consumers" will take place on May 11, 2021 at the Károly Ihrig Doctoral School of Management and Business of the University of Debrecen. The supervisor of the dissertation is Károly Pető.

The public defense of Alexander Titov's doctoral dissertation entitled "ACCEPTANCE AND POTENTIAL OF RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES BASED ON BIOMASS IN RURAL AREAS OF HUNGARY" will take place on April 12, 2021 at the Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Science of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Bernadett Horváthné Kovács.

The public defense of Krisztina Bence-Kiss' doctoral dissertation entitled "STRATEGY SET BY FAITH - ANALYZING THE MARKETING CONCEPTS OF COMMUNITIES DEVOTED TO KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS IN EUROPE" will take place on December 11, 2020 at the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Orsolya Szigeti.

The public defense of Judith Stoll's doctoral dissertation entitled "IMPLEMENTATION OF MARKETING COMMUNICATION TOOLS IN THE AUSTRIAN WINE INDUSTRY" will take place on January 27, 2021 at the István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School of the University of Sopron. The supervisor of the dissertation is Tamás Czeglédy.

The public defense of Maral Jamalova's doctoral dissertation entitled "COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE BEHAVIOURAL INTENTION TOWARDS SMARTPHONE IN THE CASE OF AZERBAIJANI AND HUNGARIAN STUDENTS" will take place on December 11, 2020 at the Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is Milán Constantinovits.

The public defense of Mohammad Salem AbdAlrahman's doctoral dissertation entitled "THE IMPACT OF CONSUMER ATTITUDES ON PALESTINIAN CONSUMERS FOOD CHOICE“The Palestinian-Israeli conflict effect on consumers intentions to buy Israeli and Palestinian manufactured food products in the P" will take place on July 17, 2020 at the Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The supervisor of the dissertation is József Lehota and István Fehér.


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