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“Cultural values in nonbusiness marketing”

University of Pannonia, Veszprém, Hungary
5th-7th July 2023

We welcome submissions of full papers that address, but are not restricted to, the following topics under the lenses of marketing and culture in public, nonprofit, social and the emerging fourth sector organizations:

  • Marketing of culture
  • Global economic challenges
  • Social businesses, social innovations and social economy
  • Public, private and social collaborations - fourth sector approaches
  • Managements aspects of donation and volunteering
  • Cause-related marketing and corporate social responsibility
  • Place marketing: branding and sustainable destination marketing
  • Value co-creation in public, nonprofit and social fields
  • Responsible consumption and production; fair trade
  • Social marketing
  • Marketing of public services (education, health, public administration)
  • Marketing of well-being and quality of life
  • Sustainability and responsibility: circular economy, sharing economy
  • The power of education in non-business marketing

Important Dates & Deadlines:

  • Submission open: 1 FEB 2023
  • Submission of extended abstract: 28 FEB 2023
  • Notification of acceptance of extended abstract: 15 MAR 2023
  • Full paper submission: 15 APR 2023
  • Deadline for early registration: 15 APR 2023
  • Deadline for regular registration: 10 JUN 2023

For more information, see the conference website.


Association for Marketing Education and Research
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