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As the first EMOK event of 2023, the renewed Research and Teaching Methodology Workshop was held on 3 February at Corvinus University of Budapest. The workshop was held in a hybrid format with more than 40 participants. Renowned national and international academics and researchers gave insights into their work. In the morning, the Research Methodology Workshop provided a more in-depth introduction to the topic of "Experimental Methodology". In the afternoon, the workshop on teaching methodology covered "Digital teaching methodology, blended learning and the possibilities of Moodle H5P interactive content".

In the Research Methodology Workshop, Professor Zsófia Kenesei (Corvinus University of Budapest) first presented the methodological foundations of the increasingly popular experimental research. After presenting the theoretical background, she talked about the rules and pitfalls of design and implementation, and presented a concrete example of the practical implementation and analysis of the method. Then Professor Jan Hendrik Schumann (University of Passau) about the challenges of experimental research in the form of an online check-in, which are not usually discussed in journal articles but need to be given attention during the implementation. During the presentation, he gave many practical examples from his previous projects, summarized the aspects to be taken into account in experimental research and presented some of his prestigious publications using this methodology.

Harald Øverby (BI Norwegian Business School) started the opening presentation of the Teaching Methodology Workshop online, talking about the digital program offerings of his institution. Participants were given a comprehensive overview of how digital methodology can be integrated into education. Next, Krisztina Fodorné Dr. Tóth and Dr. Krisztián Simon (University of Pécs, Digital Education and Learning Support Centre) presented the basics of blended learning courses and the possibilities of student activity-based learning support. The presentation described the design process and the development of the course transformation in Moodle. Finally, Dr. Eszter Jakopánecz (University of Pécs) presented the possibilities of the Moodle system H5P - interactive content with examples and sample tasks.

The day was closed with a PhD workshop moderated by Dr. Szabolcs Prónay (University of Szeged). After the PhD students' introductions, they were organized into groups based on their research topic and worked on a joint publication plan.

We hope that participants found the workshop useful and interesting and we will see you soon at the next EMOK event!


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