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The Ulysses international case study solving competition about the specific problems of family businesses is organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Szeged and 4 foreign partner institution.

The main features of the competition:

  • Student teams of 4 people are working on real problems and case studies of family firms online.
  • Application deadline: March 21, 2023.
  • Application: individually or in pairs; The formation of the international teams of four takes place after the application deadline is over. 
  • The competition is open to both Hungarian and foreign students (from Hungarian, Italian and Austrian, or any other foreign universities) 
  • Contest language: English
  • Contest length: 2 rounds (Round 1 from 11 to 25 April 2023; Round 2 for runners-up from 2 to 23 May 2023)
  • Course of the competition: At the beginning of the round, the teams receive a case study description and a contact for the family business related to the given case. They have two weeks to formulate and submit a unique solution to the problem defined in the case.
  • Who we recommend the competition to: Students who want to work in an international team and provide a creative solution to a real company problem.
  • Prizes: 1st place: €3000; 2nd place: €1500; 3rd place: €500
  • More information about the competition (and the registration link) is available here:
  • Contact persons: Dr. Anita Kéri ( and Dr. Prónay Szabolcs (


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