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In the past few days, the leadership of EMOK has successfully negotiated with leaders of marketing institutes, departments, and specialty groups that intend to support the association.

Based on these negotiations, we can still count on the Marketing Institute of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the Marketing and Commerce Institute of the University of Debrecen, the Marketing and Tourism Institute of the University of Pécs, as well as the Institute of Business Sciences of the University of Szeged as priority advocate members. This year, the advocate organizational members include the Marketing Management specialty group of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Marketing Institutional Department of the Pannon University.

These institutes, departments, and specialty groups also have faculty support, and we would like to express our gratitude to the institute, department, and specialty group leaders, as well as all the executives who have contributed to the maintenance of the domestic marketing educators' and researchers' community and the organization of professional programs for them.


Association for Marketing Education and Research
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.

Tax number: 18652279-2-43
Bank account number:
Magnet Bank 16200223-10038989