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The first EMOK event of 2024, the Artificial Intelligence: New Directions and Challenges in Research and Education workshop, took place on February 2nd at the Budapest Corvinus University, with more than 60 participants. In the morning session of the research methodology workshop, participants learned about basic AI concepts and its role and position in research. In the afternoon, during the educational methodology workshop, educators discussed their experiences with AI in teaching. The day concluded with PhD students forming groups to begin preparations for the summer EMOK conference.

During the research methodology workshop, Dr. Ágnes Neulinger (ESSRG) first presented the presence of artificial intelligence in marketing research, emphasizing AI as a tool that serves researchers and enhances their work efficiency. Then, Dr. Tamás Iványi (BME) provided a detailed overview of concepts such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, supervised and unsupervised learning methods, sentient and thinking artificial intelligence, and large language models. Following this, in a practical demonstration with Pál Bertold Csaba (BME), they showcased how to utilize various learning models for quantitative analyses using software that does not require programming skills. Finally, Bollók Máté Bence (BCE) and Kökény Levente (BCE) summarized the possibilities of artificial intelligence text analysis.

The educational methodology workshop, moderated by Dr. Mirkó György Gáti (BCE), featured four educators sharing their experiences with artificial intelligence. Dr. Fanny Liska (PE) demonstrated the creative application of generative AI for seminar tasks in her Service and B2B Marketing course. Bodon György (BCE) then presented the results of student group work realized with the use of artificial intelligence. Dr. Noémi Hajdú and Zoltán Somosi (ME) explained the operation of Chat-GPT 3.5 and its appropriate prompting, highlighting the importance of student education. Finally, Huszár Sándor (SZTE) discussed ethical issues related to AI usage, aiming to initiate a discourse among educators in Hungarian higher education institutions to aid in forming a unified stance on assessing various student scientific works.

The day concluded with a PhD workshop moderated by Dr. Szabolcs Prónay (SZTE). After PhD students introduced themselves, they formed groups based on their research topics and developed a plan for a joint publication for the annual EMOK conference, scheduled for August 2024 at the University of Pécs.

We hope that participants found the workshop useful and engaging, and we look forward to seeing you at the next EMOK event soon!


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