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Department of Business Communication and Marketing 
and the 
Research Group For Branding and Marketing Communications
Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty of Social Sciences
organizes the interdisciplinary conference

Marketing Linguistics

7-8 November 2024.
Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Business Communication and Marketing
9700 Szombathely, Károlyi Gáspár tér 4.

About the conference  

The papers presented at the interdisciplinary conference on Marketing Linguistics will focus on the intersections between marketing and linguistics. The conference aims to find common ground between the two disciplines, outlining current trends and laying the foundations for the interdisciplinary research field of Marketing Linguistics in Hungary.

The intersection of the two disciplines is inevitable: We gather information about products, brands, and services primarily through language. Consequently, linguistic knowledge can help communicate more effectively in marketing contexts, and it may enhance the competitiveness of businesses. Well-formulated language elements and marketing communication messages can give companies a competitive advantage, while poorly formulated messages can deter consumers. Linguistic knowledge is particularly relevant in the case of green communication: communication about the green transition of the economy and sustainability can help promote greener products and raise consumer awareness of sustainability.

The conference will be held in Hungarian and English. The conference is open to both Hungarian and international speakers, and we particularly welcome presentations from PhD students.

–    Some possible (but not exclusive) topics:
brand names, slogans, brand associations, the language of advertising, language on the packaging, company names, language issues in PR communication, economic aspects of linguistic landscapes, linguistic aspects of green communication, the language of greenwashing, language and online marketing communication, crosspoints of intercultural communication and marketing, business communication, marketing terminology, bilingualism in marketing communication, the role and use of Hungarian in marketing communication messages in Hungary and abroad, the use of foreign words and sentences in marketing communication, etc.
–    From the economic side, the presentations may explore the linguistic context of any business area, including tourism, but may also tackle connections between social marketing and linguistics.

Application information:

Conference Call


Association for Marketing Education and Research
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.

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