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The annual Research and Teaching Methodology and the PhD workshop of EMOK will be held 31 January 2025 at Corvinus University of Budapest. The morning research methodology presentations of the all-day event examine from various aspects what we have learned about artificial intelligence recently and where we are going. The afternoon teaching methodology workshop presents the possibilities and forms of effective integration of artificial intelligence into education with specific, takeaway ideas, tips and solutions. As the closing event of the day, the PhD workshop will take place, within the framework of which we provide an opportunity for young marketing researchers to introduce themselves, establish collaborations and strengthen networks between institutions.

Date: 31 January 2025 10:00-17:30

Application deadline: 27 January 2025 24:00

Location: Corvinus University of Budapest (Fővám tér 8.)

Participation fee: 10000 HUF

For EMOK (individual or institutional) members, the lecture is free of charge. (Please indicate your membership on the application form.)

Date Program
Research methodology workshop. Topic: What have we learned about artificial intelligence in research recently?
10.00-10.30 Can we already see what lies in the black box of artificial intelligence? Introductory lecture to the morning workshop - Tamás Iványi (BME)
10.30-11.00 AI as a research support tool in practice - Sándor Huszár (SZTE)
11.00-11.30 AI as the focus of research - András Fehér and Henrietta Boros (DE)
11.30-12.00 AI as a tool to support publishing
12.00-13.00 Lunch break
Educational methodology workshop. Topic: How can we integrate the latest artificial intelligence tools into education
13.00-13.15 Diverse AI, how many AI can we use? Introductory lecture to the afternoon workshop - Tamás Iványi (BME)
13.15-13.45 Generation of questions and assignments, course development with AI - Fanny Liska (PE)
13.45-14.15 AI in the service of the quality of education, or the revolution of GPT-based virtual assistants in university education - László Csóka (PTE)
14.15-15.00 How can we help? Roundtable discussion on the current state of thesis writing and correction
PhD workshop
15.00-15.40 Introduction of participating PhD students
15.40-15.50 Presentation of the "Most Promising Research Group of EMOK 2024" award
15.50-16.00 Introduction of the 2024's Most Promising Research Group of EMOK
15.50-17.00 Formation of research groups and definition of joint research plans
17.00-17.30 #WeKnowItBest - Idea competition between research groups to revitalize EMOK's internal communication
17.30- Informal conversation (optional) offsite


PhD Forum Call

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The language of the program is Hungarian!


Association for Marketing Education and Research
1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.

Tax number: 18652279-1-41
Bank account number:
Magnet Bank 16200223-10038989

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