Dobó Róbert (2023): A kommunikációs csatornák és a szakmai hitelesség bizalmi alapú kapcsolata: Kit tart hitelesnek a Z generáció?
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Dobó Róbert (2023): A kommunikációs csatornák és a szakmai hitelesség bizalmi alapú kapcsolata: Kit tart hitelesnek a Z generáció? In: Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 pp. 62–72. DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023-06
- Róbert, Dobó. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem.
The trust-based relationship between communication channels and professional credibility: Who does Generation Z consider credible?
The purpose of the study is to examine the trust-based consumer perception of different communication channels, as well as to present its relationship with the credibility of different professionals. During the research, I examine the factors affecting the credibility of marketing communication channels, through several factors, and then I try to put this into context and project it onto the personal credibility of the various professionals communicating the message. The consumer's information gathering habits in themselves influence the credibility of the message itself. I supplemented the presentation of the literature on the topic with primary quantitative questionnaire research, during which I examined, in addition to demographics, information gathering habits and preferences, the perception of different professions and their interaction. During the analysis of the sample, I found a correlation between the perception of the channel and the professions, and with the help of cluster analysis, based on the orientation habits (trust-based perception), it was possible to identify four distinct groups with different perceptions of the channel and profession.
marketing communication communication channel trust and credibility
Details of publishing collection
Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.) (2023): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023