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Hetesi Erzsébet – Vizi Noémi (2023): Valóban társadalmilag felelős a globális polgár?

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Hetesi Erzsébet – Vizi Noémi (2023): Valóban társadalmilag felelős a globális polgár? In: Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 pp. 126–136. DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023-11



  • Noémi, Vizi. Szegedi Tudományegyetem.
  • Erzsébet, Hetesi. Szegedi Tudományegyetem.


Is the global citizen really socially responsible?

This paper explores the relationship between global citizenship and social responsibility by secondary analysis of two primary research datasets. In the first research, environmental awareness, conscious consumption and global citizenship were measured, and in the second, aspects of global citizenship were examined along three dimensions based on the literature: social responsibility, global competence and global citizenship. The research was carried out using an online questionnaire, and in this study, the second analysis of the data is based on the evaluation of the responses for Generation Z. An interesting result of the comparison of the two surveys is that the social responsibility dimension of global citizenship scores higher in the environmental awareness survey than in the 'general' global citizen survey. The results of the second analysis of the two independent primary surveys also suggest that the context of the survay has a significant effect on the relationship between global citizenship and social responsibility among the Hungarian youth, therefore it is a very difficult task to indentify interrelation.

social responsibility responsible consumption global citizenship



Details of publishing collection

Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.) (2023): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023


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