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Horváth Dóra – Mitev Ariel (2023): Madármegfigyelés mint a marketingtudomány pszichedelikus újraértelmezése

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Horváth Dóra – Mitev Ariel (2023): Madármegfigyelés mint a marketingtudomány pszichedelikus újraértelmezése. In: Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023 pp. 140–141.


  • Dóra, Horváth. Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.
  • Ariel, Mitev. Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem.


Birdwatching as a psychedelic reinterpretation of marketing science

Birdwatching is like a good game. We put out the feeder in the garden and wait for birds to arrive, and when a visitor arrives, we rejoice ... and try to recreate those moments of that accidental visit... We feel rewarded. Furthermore, since there is a reward, we continue..., and although it is all about the birds, at some point, observation becomes a metaphor for research; the (marketing) researcher begins to see herself and asks herself what kind of researcher she is and what research is all about. As researchers, we can say that we have seen enough to draw conclusions, but as observers, we wait for the next encounter ...
Mainstream research often distances the researcher from the research subject, as if he or she were examining caged birds through a double glass wall with an instrument neither the investigators nor the subjects understand. What is going on? We lock ourselves in the cage, our methods creating a mental and physical cage that is difficult to break out of. We watch the birds and how they act, but in the meantime, we see neither them nor ourselves.
Encounters with free-living birds are almost inexplicable, a powerful bond that makes it worth getting up at the crack of dawn and enduring the inconvenience of the weather, the unpredictable appearances, and the long hours of waiting to see them for a few moments (ANDERSON, 2014).
When and how do we become as enthusiastic and committed as any birdwatcher? Does our science still hold for us an 'unexpected gift' worth waking up to in the worst of times (BROWN, 2012). We think it is time to consider autoethnography (cf. ELLIS et al., 2011) and research introspection (cf. GOULD, 2008) in our field. Perhaps it is not the target audiences of marketing applications that we need to observe, but ourselves. As we watch the birds, so we watch ourselves (cf. HOLBROOK, 1997).
What critical reflection on our research patterns, practices and habits can add to our work so far? In this discussion (workshop?), the authors invite participants to a reflective research conversation based on their own subjective, metaphorical birdwatching experiences, which have reached theoretical saturation long ago.

birdwatching autoethnography researcher introspection researcher reflection



Details of publishing collection

Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.) (2023): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023


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