Sikó Beáta (2023): Online viselkedésalapú hirdetés: rövid szisztematikus szakirodalmi áttekintés
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Sikó Beáta (2023): Online viselkedésalapú hirdetés: rövid szisztematikus szakirodalmi áttekintés. In: Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 pp. 279–288. DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023-22
- Beáta, Sikó. Szegedi Tudományegyetem.
Online behavioral advertising: a short systematic literature review
The advancements in technology have enabled unprecedented accuracy in targeted advertising. However, this has also brought about changes in consumer attitudes towards advertising, highlighting phenomena such as perceived personalization and its consequences, as well as increasing consumer demand for the protection of personal data. Despite ongoing research on personalized advertising, there remains a lack of common understanding and comprehensive knowledge of behavioral advertising. This study sought to address this gap by conducting a systematic literature review using the SPAR-4-SLR protocol and the TCCM organizing framework. 26 high-quality research articles from the past 6 years were evaluated based on their theories, contexts, constructs, and methodologies to answer questions about what and how we know about behavioral advertising and where should research on it be heading. Besides providing an overview of the current literature on the topic, this review identified gaps and future research directions.
online behavioral advertising systematic literature review TCCM framework
Details of publishing collection
Révész Balázs – Gyulai Zsófia (eds.) (2023): Reziliens Marketing - Válaszok változó kihívásokra. Szegedi Tudományegyetem Gazdaságtudományi Kar: Szeged. ISBN: 978-963-306-960-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2023