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Komlan Gbongli's doctoral defense invitation

The public defense of Komlan Gbongli's doctoral dissertation entitled "Adding Bricks to Clicks: Vom reinen Online- zum Mehrkanal-Händler. Determinanten einer Expansion in den physischen Einzelhandel" will take place on July 16, 2024 at the Hantos Elemér Doctoral School of Business, Management and Regional Sciences of the University of Miskolc. The supervisor of the dissertation is Levente Kovács.

Daniel Eugen Herbert Sylvester Kudet's doctoral defense invitation

The public defense of Daniel Eugen Herbert Sylvester Kudet's doctoral dissertation entitled "Adding Bricks to Clicks: Vom reinen Online- zum Mehrkanal-Händler. Determinanten einer Expansion in den physischen Einzelhandel" will take place on July 16, 2024 at the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the Andrássy Gyula University, Budapest. The supervisor of the dissertation is Martina Eckardt.


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