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Molnár László – Frau Moreno – Keszey Tamara (2024): Unlocking Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Utilizable Customer Feedback

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Molnár László – Frau Moreno – Keszey Tamara (2024): Unlocking Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Utilizable Customer Feedback. In: Szűcs Krisztián – Putzer Petra – Törőcsik Mária (szerk.): A (marketing) világ megkettőződése - Egyesület a Marketing Oktatásért és Kutatásért XXX. Nemzetközi Konferenciájának Absztrakt- és Tanulmánykötete. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar: Pécs. ISBN: 978-963-626-318-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2024 pp. 88–88.


  • Molnár László. Corvinus University of Budapest.
  • Frau Moreno. Corvinus University of Budapest.
  • Keszey Tamara. Corvinus University of Budapest.


Unlocking Insights: A Comprehensive Review of Utilizable Customer Feedback

This study aims to comprehend the factors influencing feedback and its outcomes, with a specific emphasis on brand outcomes and collaborative value creation, while also pinpointing areas for future research in feedback. Initially, we refine the definition by introducing ‚actionable customer feedback’ and delineating it from related terms found in literature. Subsequently, we systematically review 63 journal articles spanning the last two decades, consolidating their findings within the realms of feedback, brand, and co-creation. Additionally, we propose a framework outlining antecedents, moderators, mediators, and performance outcomes related to feedback. We then suggest avenues for future research, including investigating the mediating and moderating effects of demographics, gender, environmental factors, geographical variations (particularly in developing economies), and B2B contexts on actionable feedback. Moreover, we highlight the need for further exploration into the relationship between trust, feedback, and brand outcomes, such as brand value and equity. Lastly, we recommend exploring feedback’s multifaceted roles across various contexts.

actionable customer feedback brand output co-creation feedback research directions systematic literature review



Befoglaló mű adatai

Szűcs Krisztián – Putzer Petra – Törőcsik Mária (szerk.) (2024): A (marketing) világ megkettőződése - Egyesület a Marketing Oktatásért és Kutatásért XXX. Nemzetközi Konferenciájának Absztrakt- és Tanulmánykötete. Pécsi Tudományegyetem Közgazdaságtudományi Kar: Pécs. ISBN: 978-963-626-318-8 DOI:10.62561/EMOK-2024

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